Intel Core i7-9700K

The Intel Core i7-9700K has 8 cores and 8 threads. Its base clock is at 3.6 GHz, its turbo clock goes up to 4.9 GHz. Its multiplier is unlocked, making it possible to overclock the processor easily.
Based on 85 benchmarks we rate its gaming performance level at 6.3/10. We think it is a reasonable strong processor for current games.
For regular application workloads, based on 19 benchmarks we rate its performance level at 3.37/10. It is one of the stronger processors for regular applications.
Model Info
- Producer
- Intel
- BX80684I79700K
- 5032037141642
- 735858394635
- Year
- Base Clock
- 3.6 GHz
- Turbo Clock
- 4.9 GHz
- Unlocked Multiplier
- Cores
- 8
- Threads
- 8
- L1 Cache
- L2 Cache
- L3 Cache
- 125 W
- Socket
- 1151
- Integrated graphics
- Intel UHD 630
- Product Page
The outlandish flash of the cash goes on the Core i9-9900K. The smart money ends up on the 9700K, 9600K, or the 2700X.
Insbesondere der Core i9-9900K ist mit zum Start voraussichtlich um die 700 Euro deutlich zu teuer, aber auch der Intel Core i9-9700K für 550 Euro, der sich in Anwendungen ein direktes Duell mit dem AMD Ryzen 2700X liefert, kostet 50 Prozent mehr.
The Core i7 9700K is a really nice processor, a little less for heavily threaded applications, but for gaming it rocks. It is, however, a little more difficult to recommend when it's just about gaming as the Core i5 9600K makes more sense, value wise.
The 9700K is better than the 8700K in terms of value, but still much worse than the cheaper Ryzen 7 2700X.
tom's Hardware
The Core i7-9700K, even at stock settings, is competitive with the -9900K in most titles, especially considering the $115 you save by stepping down a notch. We haven't overclocked our -9700K yet, though, so the small deltas observed between the two chips may shrink further.